I Pledge To Succeed
When you want to achieve something great and want to accomplish something that is also going to be challenging, but yet rewarding, it sometimes helps to declare your commitment to that endeavor in writing to help you successfully get through the challenge. Having it in writing reminds you of how important what you set out to do is and it motivates you to finish what you initially started. Being reminded of a commitment helps you stick to it until the end. I am dedicated to Year Up Bay Area and I aiming towards reaching the finish line which would be my ultimate success. I have decided to pledge my commitment .
I, Cherelle M. Knight-Joseph, pledge to give 100% effort to the Year Up Bay Area program even during the entirety of the L &D and Corporate Internship phase. I will accomplish this by staying on top of my assignments, arriving on time, maintaining professional dress and networking with my colleagues.
I Pledge to help my fellow colleagues when they need my help and assist staff when they request me to do things which will make me an asset to this program and enable me to use the skills that I have. I will do this by making myself readily available to help and offer assistance when I am asked. This will help me in team settings to be useful where I am able to give good input and benefit from my surroundings.
I Pledge to stay focused and not settle for just finishing the program, but achieving beyond the program. The way I intend to accomplish this is to do my research to become more knowledgeable about technology and take more classes that will enable me to eventually attain a degree.
Lastly, I pledge to use every resource and opportunity that arises to help me reach my full potential and connect with the right people that will set me on the right track. I strive to use more of my resources by responding more promptly to invitations and requests made by instructors, staff, and colleagues. I will put more effort into opportunities that arise by making myself more prepared and organized and also being more enthusiastic towards taking on extra tasks.
These things I pledge sincerely and realistically and I promise to strive to do them well.This will definitely set me apart and distinguish me as a potential candidate for a position when that time comes for me to start my career. I am ready to take that next step and pledging these things will reaffirm my commitment to the program and to the things that I have goal-ed for myself!